Two recent anecdotes from American Family Physician, the scientific journal of The American Academy Of Family Physicians, are of major interest. I have been a member of the AAFP for fifty years.
Ibuprofen (Advil) vs. Tylenol (acetaminophen): Ibuprofen was shown to be more effective at reducing temperature and pain at follow-up visits when compared to acetaminophen. Thus, ibuprofen is recommended for fever and pain management. NB: Patients must be made aware of ibuprofen’s potential for GI bleeding so limited use and minimal doses are recommended.
Eggs vs. Cardiovascular Disease: A recent study showed that “egg consumption IS NOT associated with an increased occurrence of cardiovascular events over an average of 12 years. Eating one egg per day, on average, was associated with an 11% decrease in the likelihood of coronary artery disease.” This is hard to imagine after years of the egg-cholesterol relationship. However, on a low cholesterol diet patients are allowed 2-3 eggs per week, so maybe eggs aren’t as bad as they have been portrayed. This information tells every hen in Iowa they aren’t gonna get much rest in the future.
Reference: AFP Clinical Answers. Am Fam Phys 2022 Jan;105(1):19.
How about egg whites. ? Like egg beaters. ?
The reference didn’t mention egg whites or egg beaters, but I think they are a safe alternative. I had a “Power Wrap” at First Watch. It contained egg whites, spinach, and other “healthy” things I can’t recall. I was unsure if it would be any good, but it really was! I could feel myself getting healthier as I ate it! Ha Ha. It was tasty, though.